Revolayer works to create Specialized Network Solutions that cannot be found in off-the-shelf equipment and software. Solutions range from remote monitoring, remote control, and remote sensors to network test equipment, network appliances, and gateways.

Revolayer strives to use Open Platform Devices and Open Source Software in its solutions. The goal is to reduce time to deployment and development cost; making custom development a more affordable and efficient path to a solution. This is accomplished by building a portfolio of Open Source Software and Devices that can be integrated quickly (with an expertise in Embedded Systems and Networking) to create specialized solutions, faster. Benefits of this approach include lower development cost, faster time to deployment, and lower operational costs.

If your solution requires custom applications on the devices or custom software is needed to control and configure your devices remotely, then Revolayer can help you realize your solution.

Listed below are some of the hardware devices Revolayer utilizes in its solutions.
  • Network appliances
  • Gateways, firewalls, and security applications
  • Dual core Intel Atom processor
  • Up to 8 GB of RAM
  • Support for Cellular or Wifi radio
Beaglebone Black
Beaglebone Black
Raspberry Pi B+
Raspberry Pi
MultiTech MultiConnect® Dragonfly™
MultiConnect Conduit
MultiTech MultiConnect® Conduit™
MultiTech MultiConnect® mDot™
MultiTech MultiConnect® Dragonfly™
Davis Weather Station
Davis Weather Stations